A whole game

Readings and class materials for Tuesday, September 19, 2023

You can access an Excel spreadsheet on infant mortality downloaded from Eurostat. We discovered last week that utilizing the Eurostat data is significantly facilitated by the eurostat package; however, for the purpose of practical demonstration, we now need to showcase the multitude of cleaning procedures required to establish links between series originating from diverse sources.

Lets download the infant mortality rates from Eurostat (in Excel format) and link it with the fertility_df

infant_mortality_df <- readxl::read_excel("../data/demo_minfind.xls")

The issue here is that there are multiple tables on the first sheet (not a rare thing).

# A tibble: 339 × 62
   Infant mortality rate…¹ ...2  ...3  ...4  ...5  ...6  ...7  ...8  ...9  ...10
   <chr>                   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1 <NA>                    <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 2 Last update             4474… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 3 Extracted on            4482… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 4 Source of data          Euro… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 5 <NA>                    <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 6 INDIC_DE                Earl… <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 7 UNIT                    Rate  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 8 <NA>                    <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> 
 9 GEO/TIME                1960  1961  1962  1963  1964  1965  1966  1967  1968 
10 European Union - 27 co… :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :    
# ℹ 329 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Infant mortality rates [demo_minfind]`
# ℹ 52 more variables: ...11 <chr>, ...12 <chr>, ...13 <chr>, ...14 <chr>,
#   ...15 <chr>, ...16 <chr>, ...17 <chr>, ...18 <chr>, ...19 <chr>,
#   ...20 <chr>, ...21 <chr>, ...22 <chr>, ...23 <chr>, ...24 <chr>,
#   ...25 <chr>, ...26 <chr>, ...27 <chr>, ...28 <chr>, ...29 <chr>,
#   ...30 <chr>, ...31 <chr>, ...32 <chr>, ...33 <chr>, ...34 <chr>, …

After exploring the data, you may realize that the name of the data is always in the second column. Our table starts after where find the “Infant mortality rate”.

pull(infant_mortality_df, 2) # 2nd column as vector
  [1] NA                              "44742.521828703699"           
  [3] "44822.86385927083"             "Eurostat"                     
  [5] NA                              "Early neonatal mortality rate"
  [7] "Rate"                          NA                             
  [9] "1960"                          ":"                            
 [11] ":"                             ":"                            
 [13] ":"                             ":"                            
 [15] "17.100000000000001"            "10.9"                         
 [17] "10.699999999999999"            "13.9"                         
 [19] "20.800000000000001"            "19.699999999999999"           
 [21] "9.5999999999999996"            "16.100000000000001"           
 [23] "12.300000000000001"            "15.9"                         
 [25] ":"                             "14.6"                         
 [27] "21"                            "17.800000000000001"           
 [29] ":"                             ":"                            
 [31] "7.2999999999999998"            "16.300000000000001"           
 [33] "22.100000000000001"            ":"                            
 [35] "11.9"                          "20.199999999999999"           
 [37] ":"                             "15"                           
 [39] ":"                             "15.6"                         
 [41] "10.300000000000001"            "12.6"                         
 [43] "11.800000000000001"            ":"                            
 [45] ":"                             ":"                            
 [47] ":"                             "7.0999999999999996"           
 [49] ":"                             "9.9000000000000004"           
 [51] "14.4"                          "13.699999999999999"           
 [53] ":"                             "18.600000000000001"           
 [55] ":"                             ":"                            
 [57] ":"                             ":"                            
 [59] ":"                             "17.300000000000001"           
 [61] ":"                             ":"                            
 [63] ":"                             ":"                            
 [65] ":"                             ":"                            
 [67] ":"                             ":"                            
 [69] NA                              NA                             
 [71] "not available"                 NA                             
 [73] "Infant mortality rate"         "Rate"                         
 [75] NA                              "1960"                         
 [77] ":"                             ":"                            
 [79] ":"                             ":"                            
 [81] ":"                             "31.399999999999999"           
 [83] "45.100000000000001"            "20"                           
 [85] "21.5"                          "33.799999999999997"           
 [87] "35"                            "31.100000000000001"           
 [89] "29.300000000000001"            "40.100000000000001"           
 [91] "35.399999999999999"            ":"                            
 [93] "27.699999999999999"            "70.400000000000006"           
 [95] "43.899999999999999"            ":"                            
 [97] "27"                            "38"                           
 [99] "31.5"                          "47.600000000000001"           
[101] "38.299999999999997"            "16.5"                         
[103] "37.5"                          "56.100000000000001"           
[105] "77.5"                          "75.700000000000003"           
[107] "35.100000000000001"            "28.600000000000001"           
[109] "21"                            "16.600000000000001"           
[111] ":"                             ":"                            
[113] ":"                             "18.899999999999999"           
[115] "13"                            "21.100000000000001"           
[117] "16"                            "21.100000000000001"           
[119] "22.5"                          ":"                            
[121] "114.59999999999999"            "83"                           
[123] ":"                             ":"                            
[125] ":"                             ":"                            
[127] "107"                           "132.5"                        
[129] ":"                             ":"                            
[131] ":"                             ":"                            
[133] ":"                             ":"                            
[135] ":"                             NA                             
[137] NA                              "not available"                
[139] NA                              "Late foetal mortality rate"   
[141] "Rate"                          NA                             
[143] "1960"                          ":"                            
[145] ":"                             ":"                            
[147] ":"                             ":"                            
[149] "15.300000000000001"            "12.199999999999999"           
[151] "9.8000000000000007"            "12.4"                         
[153] "15.300000000000001"            "15.5"                         
[155] "13"                            "21.899999999999999"           
[157] "14.300000000000001"            "27.300000000000001"           
[159] ":"                             "17"                           
[161] "12.4"                          "24.5"                         
[163] ":"                             "10.699999999999999"           
[165] "8.9000000000000004"            "16.100000000000001"           
[167] "13.199999999999999"            ":"                            
[169] "14.9"                          "15"                           
[171] "12.5"                          "26.5"                         
[173] "15.9"                          "14.199999999999999"           
[175] "10.9"                          "15.1"                         
[177] "13.699999999999999"            ":"                            
[179] ":"                             ":"                            
[181] "12.4"                          "12.699999999999999"           
[183] "10.4"                          "13.9"                         
[185] "11.4"                          "20.100000000000001"           
[187] ":"                             "9.8000000000000007"           
[189] ":"                             ":"                            
[191] ":"                             ":"                            
[193] ":"                             "8.6999999999999993"           
[195] ":"                             ":"                            
[197] ":"                             ":"                            
[199] ":"                             ":"                            
[201] ":"                             ":"                            
[203] NA                              NA                             
[205] "not available"                 NA                             
[207] "Neonatal mortality rate"       "Rate"                         
[209] NA                              "1960"                         
[211] ":"                             ":"                            
[213] ":"                             ":"                            
[215] ":"                             "20.5"                         
[217] "19.399999999999999"            "13.1"                         
[219] "16.100000000000001"            "23.899999999999999"           
[221] "23.199999999999999"            ":"                            
[223] "20.399999999999999"            "19.5"                         
[225] "20.199999999999999"            ":"                            
[227] "17.699999999999999"            "35.100000000000001"           
[229] "23.899999999999999"            ":"                            
[231] "10.9"                          "13.4"                         
[233] "19.100000000000001"            "27"                           
[235] ":"                             "13.5"                         
[237] "24.600000000000001"            ":"                            
[239] "27.899999999999999"            ":"                            
[241] "20.399999999999999"            "14.1"                         
[243] "14.4"                          "13.4"                         
[245] ":"                             ":"                            
[247] ":"                             ":"                            
[249] "9.1999999999999993"            ":"                            
[251] "11.699999999999999"            "16.100000000000001"           
[253] "16"                            ":"                            
[255] "41.399999999999999"            ":"                            
[257] ":"                             ":"                            
[259] ":"                             ":"                            
[261] "32.799999999999997"            ":"                            
[263] ":"                             ":"                            
[265] ":"                             ":"                            
[267] ":"                             ":"                            
[269] ":"                             NA                             
[271] NA                              "not available"                
[273] NA                              "Perinatal mortality rate"     
[275] "Rate"                          NA                             
[277] "1960"                          ":"                            
[279] ":"                             ":"                            
[281] ":"                             ":"                            
[283] "32.100000000000001"            "23"                           
[285] "20.5"                          "26.199999999999999"           
[287] "35.799999999999997"            "34.899999999999999"           
[289] "22.5"                          "37.700000000000003"           
[291] "26.399999999999999"            "42.799999999999997"           
[293] ":"                             "31.399999999999999"           
[295] "33.100000000000001"            "41.899999999999999"           
[297] ":"                             ":"                            
[299] "16.100000000000001"            "32.200000000000003"           
[301] "35"                            ":"                            
[303] "26.600000000000001"            "34.899999999999999"           
[305] ":"                             "41.100000000000001"           
[307] ":"                             "29.600000000000001"           
[309] "21"                            "27.5"                         
[311] "25.399999999999999"            ":"                            
[313] ":"                             ":"                            
[315] ":"                             "19.699999999999999"           
[317] ":"                             "23.699999999999999"           
[319] "25.600000000000001"            "33.5"                         
[321] ":"                             "28.199999999999999"           
[323] ":"                             ":"                            
[325] ":"                             ":"                            
[327] ":"                             "25.800000000000001"           
[329] ":"                             ":"                            
[331] ":"                             ":"                            
[333] ":"                             ":"                            
[335] ":"                             ":"                            
[337] NA                              NA                             
[339] "not available"                

After exploring the data, you may realise that the name of the data is always in the second column. Our data starts where find we the “Infant mortality rate”. The first row of the table where we find “GEO/TIME” in the first column

data_start_index <- pull(infant_mortality_df, 2) %>%
  purrr::detect_index(~ . == "Infant mortality rate" & !is.na(.))

[1] 73
start_index <- pull(infant_mortality_df, 1) %>% 
  {. == "GEO/TIME" & !is.na(.)} %>% 
  which() %>% 
  detect(~ . > data_start_index)

And ends at the next empty cell (not “:”)

end_index <- pull(infant_mortality_df, 2) %>% 
  is.na() %>%
  which() %>% 
  detect(~ . > start_index)
infant_mortality_df %>% 
# A tibble: 61 × 62
   Infant mortality rate…¹ ...2  ...3  ...4  ...5  ...6  ...7  ...8  ...9  ...10
   <chr>                   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1 GEO/TIME                1960  1961  1962  1963  1964  1965  1966  1967  1968 
 2 European Union - 27 co… :     38.2… 36.3… 34.2… 31.8… 30    29.1… 28.6… 29.1…
 3 European Union - 28 co… :     36.2… 34.6… 32.7… 30.5  28.6… 28    27.5  27.8…
 4 European Union - 27 co… :     36    34.3… 32.5  30.3… 28.5  27.8… 27.3… 27.8…
 5 Euro area - 19 countri… :     34.7… 33.2… 31.8… 29.6… 28.3… 27.6… 26.1… 25.6…
 6 Euro area - 18 countri… :     34.7… 33.2… 31.8… 29.6… 28.3… 27.6… 26.1… 25.6…
 7 Belgium                 31.3… 28.1… 27.5  27.1… 25.3… 23.6… 24.6… 22.8… 21.6…
 8 Bulgaria                45.1… 37.7… 37.2… 35.7… 32.8… 30.8… 32.2… 33.1… 28.3…
 9 Czechia                 20    19.3… 21.1… 19.6… 19.1… 23.6… 21.8… 21.5  21.6…
10 Denmark                 21.5  21.8… 20.1… 19.1… 18.6… 18.6… 16.8… 15.8… 16.3…
# ℹ 51 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Infant mortality rates [demo_minfind]`
# ℹ 52 more variables: ...11 <chr>, ...12 <chr>, ...13 <chr>, ...14 <chr>,
#   ...15 <chr>, ...16 <chr>, ...17 <chr>, ...18 <chr>, ...19 <chr>,
#   ...20 <chr>, ...21 <chr>, ...22 <chr>, ...23 <chr>, ...24 <chr>,
#   ...25 <chr>, ...26 <chr>, ...27 <chr>, ...28 <chr>, ...29 <chr>,
#   ...30 <chr>, ...31 <chr>, ...32 <chr>, ...33 <chr>, ...34 <chr>, …

If the colnames are not tidy or they are threated as observation, then use the janitor package.

infant_mortality_df %>% 
  slice(start_index:end_index) %>% 
# A tibble: 60 × 62
   `GEO/TIME`     `1960` `1961` `1962` `1963` `1964` `1965` `1966` `1967` `1968`
   <chr>          <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr> 
 1 European Unio… :      38.20… 36.39… 34.29… 31.89… 30     29.19… 28.69… 29.19…
 2 European Unio… :      36.20… 34.60… 32.70… 30.5   28.69… 28     27.5   27.89…
 3 European Unio… :      36     34.39… 32.5   30.30… 28.5   27.80… 27.39… 27.80…
 4 Euro area - 1… :      34.79… 33.29… 31.80… 29.60… 28.30… 27.60… 26.19… 25.69…
 5 Euro area - 1… :      34.79… 33.20… 31.80… 29.60… 28.30… 27.60… 26.19… 25.69…
 6 Belgium        31.39… 28.10… 27.5   27.19… 25.30… 23.69… 24.69… 22.89… 21.69…
 7 Bulgaria       45.10… 37.79… 37.29… 35.70… 32.89… 30.80… 32.20… 33.10… 28.30…
 8 Czechia        20     19.30… 21.10… 19.69… 19.10… 23.69… 21.89… 21.5   21.60…
 9 Denmark        21.5   21.80… 20.10… 19.10… 18.69… 18.69… 16.89… 15.80… 16.39…
10 Germany (unti… 33.79… 31.69… 29.30… 27     25.30… 23.89… 23.60… 22.89… 22.80…
# ℹ 50 more rows
# ℹ 52 more variables: `1969` <chr>, `1970` <chr>, `1971` <chr>, `1972` <chr>,
#   `1973` <chr>, `1974` <chr>, `1975` <chr>, `1976` <chr>, `1977` <chr>,
#   `1978` <chr>, `1979` <chr>, `1980` <chr>, `1981` <chr>, `1982` <chr>,
#   `1983` <chr>, `1984` <chr>, `1985` <chr>, `1986` <chr>, `1987` <chr>,
#   `1988` <chr>, `1989` <chr>, `1990` <chr>, `1991` <chr>, `1992` <chr>,
#   `1993` <chr>, `1994` <chr>, `1995` <chr>, `1996` <chr>, `1997` <chr>, …

Next issue: All columns are in character format

infant_mortality_df %>% 
  slice(start_index:end_index) %>% 
  janitor::row_to_names(1) %>% 
* mutate_at(- 1, as.numeric) # all except the 1st col
# A tibble: 60 × 62
   `GEO/TIME`     `1960` `1961` `1962` `1963` `1964` `1965` `1966` `1967` `1968`
   <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 European Unio…   NA     38.2   36.4   34.3   31.9   30     29.2   28.7   29.2
 2 European Unio…   NA     36.2   34.6   32.7   30.5   28.7   28     27.5   27.9
 3 European Unio…   NA     36     34.4   32.5   30.3   28.5   27.8   27.4   27.8
 4 Euro area - 1…   NA     34.8   33.3   31.8   29.6   28.3   27.6   26.2   25.7
 5 Euro area - 1…   NA     34.8   33.2   31.8   29.6   28.3   27.6   26.2   25.7
 6 Belgium          31.4   28.1   27.5   27.2   25.3   23.7   24.7   22.9   21.7
 7 Bulgaria         45.1   37.8   37.3   35.7   32.9   30.8   32.2   33.1   28.3
 8 Czechia          20     19.3   21.1   19.7   19.1   23.7   21.9   21.5   21.6
 9 Denmark          21.5   21.8   20.1   19.1   18.7   18.7   16.9   15.8   16.4
10 Germany (unti…   33.8   31.7   29.3   27     25.3   23.9   23.6   22.9   22.8
# ℹ 50 more rows
# ℹ 52 more variables: `1969` <dbl>, `1970` <dbl>, `1971` <dbl>, `1972` <dbl>,
#   `1973` <dbl>, `1974` <dbl>, `1975` <dbl>, `1976` <dbl>, `1977` <dbl>,
#   `1978` <dbl>, `1979` <dbl>, `1980` <dbl>, `1981` <dbl>, `1982` <dbl>,
#   `1983` <dbl>, `1984` <dbl>, `1985` <dbl>, `1986` <dbl>, `1987` <dbl>,
#   `1988` <dbl>, `1989` <dbl>, `1990` <dbl>, `1991` <dbl>, `1992` <dbl>,
#   `1993` <dbl>, `1994` <dbl>, `1995` <dbl>, `1996` <dbl>, `1997` <dbl>, …

And now lets transform it into long format.

infant_mortality_df %>% 
  slice(start_index:end_index) %>% 
  janitor::row_to_names(1) %>% 
  mutate_at(- 1, as.numeric) %>% 
* pivot_longer(- 1, names_to = "TIME", 
                 values_to = "infant_mortality")
# A tibble: 3,660 × 3
   `GEO/TIME`                                TIME  infant_mortality
   <chr>                                     <chr>            <dbl>
 1 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 1960              NA  
 2 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 1961              38.2
 3 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 1962              36.4
 4 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 1963              34.3
 5 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 1964              31.9
 6 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 1965              30  
 7 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 1966              29.2
 8 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 1967              28.7
 9 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 1968              29.2
10 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 1969              28  
# ℹ 3,650 more rows

Lets filter out aggregates and irrelevant.

infant_mortality_df %>% 
  slice(start_index:end_index) %>% 
  janitor::row_to_names(1) %>% 
  mutate_at(- 1, as.numeric) %>% 
  pivot_longer(- 1, names_to = "TIME", 
               values_to = "infant_mortality") %>% 
  rename(geo = `GEO/TIME`) %>% 
    geo = countrycode(geo, "country.name", "iso3c"),
  ) %>% 

This code filters out the rows where geo is in:


count() Quickly count the unique values of one or more variables

infant_mortality_df %>% 
  slice(start_index:end_index) %>% 
  janitor::row_to_names(1) %>% 
  mutate_at(- 1, as.numeric) %>% 
  pivot_longer(- 1, names_to = "TIME", 
               values_to = "infant_mortality") %>% 
  rename(geo = `GEO/TIME`) %>% 
    geo = countrycode(geo, "country.name", "iso3c"),
  ) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(geo)) %>% 
  count(geo, sort = TRUE)
# A tibble: 47 × 2
   geo       n
   <chr> <int>
 1 DEU     122
 2 FRA     122
 3 ALB      61
 4 AND      61
 5 ARM      61
 6 AUT      61
 7 AZE      61
 8 BEL      61
 9 BGR      61
10 BIH      61
# ℹ 37 more rows

Remove the irrelevant duplication & convert TIME to numeric

infant_mortality_df %>% 
  slice(start_index:end_index) %>% 
  janitor::row_to_names(1) %>% 
  mutate_at(- 1, as.numeric) %>% 
  pivot_longer(- 1, names_to = "TIME", 
               values_to = "infant_mortality") %>% 
  rename(geo = `GEO/TIME`) %>% 
    geo != "France (metropolitan)" &
      geo != "Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)"
  ) %>% 
  geo = countrycode(geo, "country.name", "iso3c"),
  TIME = as.numeric(TIME)
) %>% 
# A tibble: 2,867 × 3
   geo    TIME infant_mortality
   <chr> <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 BEL    1960             31.4
 2 BEL    1961             28.1
 3 BEL    1962             27.5
 4 BEL    1963             27.2
 5 BEL    1964             25.3
 6 BEL    1965             23.7
 7 BEL    1966             24.7
 8 BEL    1967             22.9
 9 BEL    1968             21.7
10 BEL    1969             21.2
# ℹ 2,857 more rows

Assign it with the same name (re-write the table)

infant_mortality_df <- infant_mortality_df %>% 
  slice(start_index:end_index) %>% 
  janitor::row_to_names(1) %>% 
  mutate_at(- 1, as.numeric) %>% 
  pivot_longer(- 1, names_to = "TIME", 
               values_to = "infant_mortality") %>% 
  rename(geo = `GEO/TIME`) %>% 
    geo != "France (metropolitan)" &
      geo != "Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)"
  ) %>% 
  geo = countrycode(geo, "country.name", "iso3c"),
  TIME = as.numeric(TIME)
) %>% 

Let’s transform fertility_df to a similar format

fertility_df <- read_csv("https://stats.oecd.org/sdmx-json/data/DP_LIVE/.FERTILITY.../OECD?contentType=csv&detail=code&separator=comma&csv-lang=en")
fertility_df <- fertility_df %>% 
    geo = LOCATION, TIME, fertility = Value

Now we need to link the two tables.

df <- full_join(x = fertility_df, y = infant_mortality_df)

# A tibble: 4,205 × 4
   geo    TIME fertility infant_mortality
   <chr> <dbl>     <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 AUS    1960      3.45               NA
 2 AUS    1961      3.55               NA
 3 AUS    1962      3.43               NA
 4 AUS    1963      3.34               NA
 5 AUS    1964      3.15               NA
 6 AUS    1965      2.97               NA
 7 AUS    1966      2.89               NA
 8 AUS    1967      2.85               NA
 9 AUS    1968      2.89               NA
10 AUS    1969      2.89               NA
# ℹ 4,195 more rows

And now… Let’s see what we have here. Last time we saw that we can generate summary statistics with skimr function.

Data summary
Name df
Number of rows 4205
Number of columns 4
Column type frequency:
character 1
numeric 3
Group variables None

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
geo 0 1 2 4 0 68 0

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
TIME 0 1.00 1990.42 17.85 1960.00 1975.00 1990.00 2006.00 2022.00 ▇▇▇▇▇
fertility 911 0.78 2.34 1.20 0.81 1.59 1.94 2.59 7.67 ▇▃▁▁▁
infant_mortality 1890 0.55 14.33 15.03 0.00 4.90 9.70 17.90 137.60 ▇▁▁▁▁

We can also generate some pots and statistics easily with the powerful radiant package.

radiant::radiant() # start a shiny app on your machine

But life is never so easy. Let’s suppose we want to visualise only a few countries to tell a story.

beveridge_plot <- function(data, x, y, group, time, n_label = 5) {
  data |> 
    arrange({{ time }}) |> 
    ggplot() +
    aes({{ x }}, {{ y }}, color = {{ group }}) +
    geom_path() +
    geom_point(size = 2, shape = 16) +
    ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = ~ group_by(., {{ group }}) |> 
                               slice(unique(floor(seq(from = 1, to = n(), 
                                                      length.out = n_label)))),
                             aes(label = {{ time }}),
                             show.legend = FALSE
df |> 
  filter(geo %in% c("SVK", "HUN", "AUT")) |> 
  beveridge_plot(fertility, infant_mortality, geo, TIME)