Dplyr & Tidyr basics

Readings and class materials for Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The tidyverse

Tidyverse contains the most important packages that you’re likely to use in everyday data analyses:

  • ggplot2, for data visualisation. (Later on, as we direct our attention towards the process of visualization)

  • dplyr, for data manipulation. (now)

  • tidyr, for tidy data. (today)

  • readr, for data import.

  • purrr, for functional programming.

  • tibble, for tibbles (modernized data frames).

  • stringr, for strings.

  • forcats, for factors.

Tidyverse works similarly to any other package, but when activated, 8 packages are activated at the same time. The following message should appear then on the console:

── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ──
✔ ggplot2 3.4.3     ✔ purrr   1.0.2
✔ tibble  3.2.1     ✔ dplyr   1.1.2
✔ tidyr   1.3.0     ✔ stringr 1.5.0
✔ readr   2.1.4     ✔ forcats 1.0.0
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

The pipe

“The magrittr (to be pronounced with a sophisticated french accent) package has two aims: decrease development time and improve readability and maintainability of code. Or even shortr: make your code smokin’ (puff puff)!

To achieve its humble aims, magrittr (remember the accent) provides a new “pipe”-like operator, %>%, with which you may pipe a value forward into an expression or function call; something along the lines of x %>% f, rather than f(x). This is not an unknown feature elsewhere; a prime example is the |> operator used extensively in F# (to say the least) and indeed this – along with Unix pipes – served as a motivation for developing the magrittr package.”

Source: Package description


Since last year, the `|>` pipe operator has been integrated into R 4.2 as a native feature. It offers nearly identical functionality to its predecessor, but there are certain cases where the syntax differs.

  • You can an insert a pipe operatior by ctrl + shift + M / command + shift + M

  • To understand its relevance, you should think about it like telling … then to the program

Lets return to the fertility_df data frame.

fertility_df <- read_csv("https://stats.oecd.org/sdmx-json/data/DP_LIVE/.FERTILITY.../OECD?contentType=csv&detail=code&separator=comma&csv-lang=en")
# A tibble: 3,294 × 8
   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>       
 1 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1960  3.45 NA          
 2 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1961  3.55 NA          
 3 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1962  3.43 NA          
 4 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1963  3.34 NA          
 5 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1964  3.15 NA          
 6 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1965  2.97 NA          
 7 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1966  2.89 NA          
 8 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1967  2.85 NA          
 9 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1968  2.89 NA          
10 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1969  2.89 NA          
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

Lets take an example with the following two functions from the {dplyr} package:

  • filter() subset a data frame, retaining all rows that satisfy your conditions

  • count() count the unique values of one or more variables

How many observations are there by years that are above 2.1?

Step 1. Filter to rows where Value >= 2.1

filter(.data = fertility_df, Value >= 2.1)
# A tibble: 1,369 × 8
   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>       
 1 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1960  3.45 NA          
 2 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1961  3.55 NA          
 3 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1962  3.43 NA          
 4 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1963  3.34 NA          
 5 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1964  3.15 NA          
 6 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1965  2.97 NA          
 7 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1966  2.89 NA          
 8 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1967  2.85 NA          
 9 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1968  2.89 NA          
10 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1969  2.89 NA          
# ℹ 1,359 more rows

Unlike python or base R, in the case of dplyr functions, you can simply refer to the names of the variables without using “” or specifying the data frame.

The following is identical with pipe. (The outcome before the %>% is the first unspecified input of the next expression)

fertility_df %>% 
  filter(Value >= 2.1)
# A tibble: 1,369 × 8
   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>       
 1 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1960  3.45 NA          
 2 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1961  3.55 NA          
 3 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1962  3.43 NA          
 4 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1963  3.34 NA          
 5 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1964  3.15 NA          
 6 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1965  2.97 NA          
 7 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1966  2.89 NA          
 8 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1967  2.85 NA          
 9 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1968  2.89 NA          
10 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1969  2.89 NA          
# ℹ 1,359 more rows

Without the %>% 2 possibilities exist to use the result of the filter in the count function

1 Assigning a new data frame

fertility_df2 <- filter(fertility_df, Value >= 2.1)
count(fertility_df2, TIME)

2 Unreadable nesting

count(filter(fertility_df, Value >= 2.1), TIME)
# A tibble: 62 × 2
    TIME     n
   <dbl> <int>
 1  1960    47
 2  1961    47
 3  1962    47
 4  1963    47
 5  1964    47
 6  1965    47
 7  1966    45
 8  1967    44
 9  1968    44
10  1969    42
# ℹ 52 more rows

With the %>%:

fertility_df %>% 
  filter(Value >= 2.1) %>% # "... and after the filtering ..."
# A tibble: 62 × 2
    TIME     n
   <dbl> <int>
 1  1960    47
 2  1961    47
 3  1962    47
 4  1963    47
 5  1964    47
 6  1965    47
 7  1966    45
 8  1967    44
 9  1968    44
10  1969    42
# ℹ 52 more rows

No additional unnecessary object in the env, and the code readable.

Dplyr functions

select() Extract the specified columns as a table.

select(.data = fertility_df, LOCATION, TIME, Value)
# A tibble: 3,294 × 3
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 AUS       1960  3.45
 2 AUS       1961  3.55
 3 AUS       1962  3.43
 4 AUS       1963  3.34
 5 AUS       1964  3.15
 6 AUS       1965  2.97
 7 AUS       1966  2.89
 8 AUS       1967  2.85
 9 AUS       1968  2.89
10 AUS       1969  2.89
# ℹ 3,284 more rows
fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) # using col names
# A tibble: 3,294 × 3
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 AUS       1960  3.45
 2 AUS       1961  3.55
 3 AUS       1962  3.43
 4 AUS       1963  3.34
 5 AUS       1964  3.15
 6 AUS       1965  2.97
 7 AUS       1966  2.89
 8 AUS       1967  2.85
 9 AUS       1968  2.89
10 AUS       1969  2.89
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

Identical outcome

fertility_df %>% 
  select(1, 6:7) # by column numbers
# A tibble: 3,294 × 3
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 AUS       1960  3.45
 2 AUS       1961  3.55
 3 AUS       1962  3.43
 4 AUS       1963  3.34
 5 AUS       1964  3.15
 6 AUS       1965  2.97
 7 AUS       1966  2.89
 8 AUS       1967  2.85
 9 AUS       1968  2.89
10 AUS       1969  2.89
# ℹ 3,284 more rows
fertility_df %>% 
  select(- (2:5), -`Flag Codes`) # drop these
# A tibble: 3,294 × 3
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 AUS       1960  3.45
 2 AUS       1961  3.55
 3 AUS       1962  3.43
 4 AUS       1963  3.34
 5 AUS       1964  3.15
 6 AUS       1965  2.97
 7 AUS       1966  2.89
 8 AUS       1967  2.85
 9 AUS       1968  2.89
10 AUS       1969  2.89
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

In this case, “" had to be used when referencing the variable namedflag code. The reason for this is that in dplyr expressions, variables containing spaces or special characters always need to be enclosed in "” To overcome the difficulties arising from special characters in the headers, the clean_names function in the janitor package provides a helpful solution, allowing all variables of a table to be renamed at once.

rename() renames columns.

fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
  rename(geo = LOCATION, fertility = Value)
# A tibble: 3,294 × 3
   geo    TIME fertility
   <chr> <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 AUS    1960      3.45
 2 AUS    1961      3.55
 3 AUS    1962      3.43
 4 AUS    1963      3.34
 5 AUS    1964      3.15
 6 AUS    1965      2.97
 7 AUS    1966      2.89
 8 AUS    1967      2.85
 9 AUS    1968      2.89
10 AUS    1969      2.89
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

.content-box-green[ HINT: ]


You can do it in 1 single step.

fertility_df %>% 
    geo = LOCATION, # select and rename
    fertility = Value
# A tibble: 3,294 × 3
   geo    TIME fertility
   <chr> <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 AUS    1960      3.45
 2 AUS    1961      3.55
 3 AUS    1962      3.43
 4 AUS    1963      3.34
 5 AUS    1964      3.15
 6 AUS    1965      2.97
 7 AUS    1966      2.89
 8 AUS    1967      2.85
 9 AUS    1968      2.89
10 AUS    1969      2.89
# ℹ 3,284 more rows


mutate() computes new column(s).

countrycode::countrycode() Translates from one country naming scheme to another.


fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
    country_name = countrycode(LOCATION, "iso3c", "country.name"),
    continent = countrycode(LOCATION, "iso3c", "continent")
# A tibble: 3,294 × 5
   LOCATION  TIME Value country_name continent
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr>        <chr>    
 1 AUS       1960  3.45 Australia    Oceania  
 2 AUS       1961  3.55 Australia    Oceania  
 3 AUS       1962  3.43 Australia    Oceania  
 4 AUS       1963  3.34 Australia    Oceania  
 5 AUS       1964  3.15 Australia    Oceania  
 6 AUS       1965  2.97 Australia    Oceania  
 7 AUS       1966  2.89 Australia    Oceania  
 8 AUS       1967  2.85 Australia    Oceania  
 9 AUS       1968  2.89 Australia    Oceania  
10 AUS       1969  2.89 Australia    Oceania  
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
    country_name = countrycode(LOCATION, "iso3c", "country.name"),
    continent = countrycode(LOCATION, "iso3c", "continent"),
    LOCATION = countrycode(LOCATION, "iso3c", "iso2c") # modify the original column
# A tibble: 3,294 × 5
   LOCATION  TIME Value country_name continent
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr>        <chr>    
 1 AU        1960  3.45 Australia    Oceania  
 2 AU        1961  3.55 Australia    Oceania  
 3 AU        1962  3.43 Australia    Oceania  
 4 AU        1963  3.34 Australia    Oceania  
 5 AU        1964  3.15 Australia    Oceania  
 6 AU        1965  2.97 Australia    Oceania  
 7 AU        1966  2.89 Australia    Oceania  
 8 AU        1967  2.85 Australia    Oceania  
 9 AU        1968  2.89 Australia    Oceania  
10 AU        1969  2.89 Australia    Oceania  
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

If you specify a single value instead of a vector, then the values will be repeated by the number of rows.

fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
  mutate(avg_fertility = mean(Value))
# A tibble: 3,294 × 4
   LOCATION  TIME Value avg_fertility
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl>
 1 AUS       1960  3.45          2.34
 2 AUS       1961  3.55          2.34
 3 AUS       1962  3.43          2.34
 4 AUS       1963  3.34          2.34
 5 AUS       1964  3.15          2.34
 6 AUS       1965  2.97          2.34
 7 AUS       1966  2.89          2.34
 8 AUS       1967  2.85          2.34
 9 AUS       1968  2.89          2.34
10 AUS       1969  2.89          2.34
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

Tips for mutate


ifelse() returns a vector filled with elements selected from either yes or no depending on the condition.

fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
    avg_fertility = mean(Value),
    above_avg = Value > avg_fertility,
    high = ifelse(above_avg, "yes, above the avg", "no")
# A tibble: 3,294 × 6
   LOCATION  TIME Value avg_fertility above_avg high              
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>     <chr>             
 1 AUS       1960  3.45          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 2 AUS       1961  3.55          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 3 AUS       1962  3.43          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 4 AUS       1963  3.34          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 5 AUS       1964  3.15          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 6 AUS       1965  2.97          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 7 AUS       1966  2.89          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 8 AUS       1967  2.85          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 9 AUS       1968  2.89          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
10 AUS       1969  2.89          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

ifelse() returns a vector filled with elements selected from either yes or no depending on the condition.

fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
    avg_fertility = mean(Value),
    above_avg = Value > avg_fertility,
    high = ifelse(above_avg, "yes, above the avg", "no")
# A tibble: 3,294 × 6
   LOCATION  TIME Value avg_fertility above_avg high              
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>     <chr>             
 1 AUS       1960  3.45          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 2 AUS       1961  3.55          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 3 AUS       1962  3.43          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 4 AUS       1963  3.34          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 5 AUS       1964  3.15          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 6 AUS       1965  2.97          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 7 AUS       1966  2.89          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 8 AUS       1967  2.85          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
 9 AUS       1968  2.89          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
10 AUS       1969  2.89          2.34 TRUE      yes, above the avg
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

With a single step:

fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
    high = ifelse(Value > mean(Value), "yes, above the avg", "no")
# A tibble: 3,294 × 4
   LOCATION  TIME Value high              
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr>             
 1 AUS       1960  3.45 yes, above the avg
 2 AUS       1961  3.55 yes, above the avg
 3 AUS       1962  3.43 yes, above the avg
 4 AUS       1963  3.34 yes, above the avg
 5 AUS       1964  3.15 yes, above the avg
 6 AUS       1965  2.97 yes, above the avg
 7 AUS       1966  2.89 yes, above the avg
 8 AUS       1967  2.85 yes, above the avg
 9 AUS       1968  2.89 yes, above the avg
10 AUS       1969  2.89 yes, above the avg
# ℹ 3,284 more rows


case_when() Vectorise multiple if_else() statements (return the first value associated with TRUE condition)

fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
     fertility_level = case_when(
      Value >= 5 ~ "very high",
      Value >= 3 ~ "high", 
      Value >= 2.1 ~ "above replacement r",
      Value >= 1.3 ~ "below replacemnt r",
      TRUE ~ "very low"
# A tibble: 3,294 × 4
   LOCATION  TIME Value fertility_level    
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr>              
 1 AUS       1960  3.45 high               
 2 AUS       1961  3.55 high               
 3 AUS       1962  3.43 high               
 4 AUS       1963  3.34 high               
 5 AUS       1964  3.15 high               
 6 AUS       1965  2.97 above replacement r
 7 AUS       1966  2.89 above replacement r
 8 AUS       1967  2.85 above replacement r
 9 AUS       1968  2.89 above replacement r
10 AUS       1969  2.89 above replacement r
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

From the latest release:

fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
     fertility_level = case_when(
      Value >= 5 ~ "very high",
      Value >= 3 ~ "high", 
      Value >= 2.1 ~ "above replacement r",
      Value >= 1.3 ~ "below replacemnt r",
      .default =  "very low"
# A tibble: 3,294 × 4
   LOCATION  TIME Value fertility_level    
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr>              
 1 AUS       1960  3.45 high               
 2 AUS       1961  3.55 high               
 3 AUS       1962  3.43 high               
 4 AUS       1963  3.34 high               
 5 AUS       1964  3.15 high               
 6 AUS       1965  2.97 above replacement r
 7 AUS       1966  2.89 above replacement r
 8 AUS       1967  2.85 above replacement r
 9 AUS       1968  2.89 above replacement r
10 AUS       1969  2.89 above replacement r
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

transmute() Compute new column(s), drop others. (= select + mutate)

fertility_df %>% 
  transmute(LOCATION, TIME, 
              fertility_level = case_when(
                Value >= 5 ~ "very high",
                Value >= 3 ~ "high", 
                Value >= 2.1 ~ "above replacement r",
                Value >= 1.3 ~ "below replacemnt r",
                TRUE ~ "very low" 

filter() Extract rows that meet logical criteria.

fertility_df %>% 
  filter(LOCATION != "EU" & LOCATION != "OAVG")
# A tibble: 3,170 × 8
   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>       
 1 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1960  3.45 NA          
 2 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1961  3.55 NA          
 3 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1962  3.43 NA          
 4 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1963  3.34 NA          
 5 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1964  3.15 NA          
 6 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1965  2.97 NA          
 7 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1966  2.89 NA          
 8 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1967  2.85 NA          
 9 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1968  2.89 NA          
10 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1969  2.89 NA          
# ℹ 3,160 more rows

slice() Select rows by position

fertility_df %>% 
# A tibble: 4 × 8
  <chr>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>       
1 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1961  3.55 NA          
2 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1962  3.43 NA          
3 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1963  3.34 NA          
4 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1964  3.15 NA          

sample_n Select n random rows.

fertility_df %>% 
# A tibble: 6 × 8
  <chr>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>       
1 PRT      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1999  1.51 NA          
2 ROU      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          2003  1.3  NA          
3 ESP      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          2020  1.19 NA          
4 USA      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1977  1.79 NA          
5 ISR      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1988  3.06 NA          
6 GRC      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1971  2.32 NA          

In order to ensure that R consistently generates the same “random” sample, you can utilize the set.seed function. This function has the ability to influence all sources of randomness within your ongoing session. Use it for your research project, if reproducibility is important.

arrange() Order rows by values of a column or columns (low to high), use with desc() to order from high to low.

fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, 
         Value) %>% 
# A tibble: 3,294 × 3
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 KOR       2021  0.81
 2 KOR       2020  0.84
 3 KOR       2019  0.92
 4 KOR       2018  0.98
 5 KOR       2017  1.05
 6 KOR       2005  1.09
 7 BGR       1997  1.09
 8 LVA       1998  1.1 
 9 LVA       1997  1.11
10 BGR       1998  1.11
# ℹ 3,284 more rows
fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, 
         Value) %>% 
# A tibble: 3,294 × 3
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 SAU       1964  7.67
 2 SAU       1965  7.66
 3 SAU       1966  7.66
 4 SAU       1967  7.66
 5 SAU       1963  7.65
 6 SAU       1962  7.64
 7 SAU       1960  7.63
 8 SAU       1961  7.63
 9 SAU       1968  7.63
10 SAU       1969  7.6 
# ℹ 3,284 more rows


group_by() Create a “grouped” copy of a table.

summarise() Compute table of summaries.

fertility_df %>% 
# A tibble: 3,294 × 8
# Groups:   LOCATION [54]
   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>       
 1 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1960  3.45 NA          
 2 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1961  3.55 NA          
 3 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1962  3.43 NA          
 4 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1963  3.34 NA          
 5 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1964  3.15 NA          
 6 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1965  2.97 NA          
 7 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1966  2.89 NA          
 8 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1967  2.85 NA          
 9 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1968  2.89 NA          
10 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A          1969  2.89 NA          
# ℹ 3,284 more rows
fertility_df %>% 
  group_by(LOCATION) %>% 
  summarise(avg_fertility = mean(Value))
# A tibble: 54 × 2
   LOCATION avg_fertility
   <chr>            <dbl>
 1 ARG               2.79
 2 AUS               2.13
 3 AUT               1.72
 4 BEL               1.84
 5 BGR               1.76
 6 BRA               3.29
 7 CAN               1.91
 8 CHE               1.70
 9 CHL               2.68
10 CHN               2.91
# ℹ 44 more rows

Example: number of observations

fertility_df %>% 
  group_by(LOCATION) %>% 
  summarise(n_obs = n())
# A tibble: 54 × 2
   LOCATION n_obs
   <chr>    <int>
 1 ARG         62
 2 AUS         62
 3 AUT         62
 4 BEL         62
 5 BGR         62
 6 BRA         62
 7 CAN         62
 8 CHE         62
 9 CHL         62
10 CHN         62
# ℹ 44 more rows

Every other manipulation will behave differently if the data frame is grouped (We frequently utilise this).

fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
  group_by(LOCATION) %>% 
  mutate(avg_fertility = mean(Value))
# A tibble: 3,294 × 4
# Groups:   LOCATION [54]
   LOCATION  TIME Value avg_fertility
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl>
 1 AUS       1960  3.45          2.13
 2 AUS       1961  3.55          2.13
 3 AUS       1962  3.43          2.13
 4 AUS       1963  3.34          2.13
 5 AUS       1964  3.15          2.13
 6 AUS       1965  2.97          2.13
 7 AUS       1966  2.89          2.13
 8 AUS       1967  2.85          2.13
 9 AUS       1968  2.89          2.13
10 AUS       1969  2.89          2.13
# ℹ 3,284 more rows


In which decade did the average fertility rate of European countries decrease the most? (in absolute magnitude)


Use the first() and the last() function to calculate difference in a period.

…if, …at, …all (deprecated)

Some of the previously listed functions have extended versions.

Select all columns where the condition is TRUE

fertility_df %>% 
# A tibble: 3,294 × 2
    TIME Value
   <dbl> <dbl>
 1  1960  3.45
 2  1961  3.55
 3  1962  3.43
 4  1963  3.34
 5  1964  3.15
 6  1965  2.97
 7  1966  2.89
 8  1967  2.85
 9  1968  2.89
10  1969  2.89
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

Modify all columns where the condition is true


You will utilize lambda-style functions in this context. This implies that after the tilde (~), you may reference the current element using the dot operator (.).

fertility_df %>% 
  mutate_if(is.numeric, ~ . * 10)
# A tibble: 3,294 × 8
   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>       
 1 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A         19600  34.5 NA          
 2 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A         19610  35.5 NA          
 3 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A         19620  34.3 NA          
 4 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A         19630  33.4 NA          
 5 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A         19640  31.5 NA          
 6 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A         19650  29.7 NA          
 7 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A         19660  28.9 NA          
 8 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A         19670  28.5 NA          
 9 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A         19680  28.9 NA          
10 AUS      FERTILITY TOT     CHD_WOMAN A         19690  28.9 NA          
# ℹ 3,284 more rows


The concepts of “across” and “where” represent relatively new functions that offer an alternative to the previously used if/at/all notations. These functions provide us with a more efficient and reliable approach, eliminating the need for dependence on the aforementioned notations.

fertility_df |> 
  select(LOCATION, where(is.numeric))
# A tibble: 3,294 × 3
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 AUS       1960  3.45
 2 AUS       1961  3.55
 3 AUS       1962  3.43
 4 AUS       1963  3.34
 5 AUS       1964  3.15
 6 AUS       1965  2.97
 7 AUS       1966  2.89
 8 AUS       1967  2.85
 9 AUS       1968  2.89
10 AUS       1969  2.89
# ℹ 3,284 more rows
fertility_df |> 
  select(LOCATION, where(is.numeric)) |> 
    across(is.numeric, mean)
# A tibble: 3,294 × 3
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 AUS      1991.  2.34
 2 AUS      1991.  2.34
 3 AUS      1991.  2.34
 4 AUS      1991.  2.34
 5 AUS      1991.  2.34
 6 AUS      1991.  2.34
 7 AUS      1991.  2.34
 8 AUS      1991.  2.34
 9 AUS      1991.  2.34
10 AUS      1991.  2.34
# ℹ 3,284 more rows
fertility_df |> 
  select(LOCATION, where(is.numeric)) |> 
    across(is.numeric, list(avg = mean), .names = "{.col}_{.fn}")
# A tibble: 3,294 × 5
   LOCATION  TIME Value TIME_avg Value_avg
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 AUS       1960  3.45    1991.      2.34
 2 AUS       1961  3.55    1991.      2.34
 3 AUS       1962  3.43    1991.      2.34
 4 AUS       1963  3.34    1991.      2.34
 5 AUS       1964  3.15    1991.      2.34
 6 AUS       1965  2.97    1991.      2.34
 7 AUS       1966  2.89    1991.      2.34
 8 AUS       1967  2.85    1991.      2.34
 9 AUS       1968  2.89    1991.      2.34
10 AUS       1969  2.89    1991.      2.34
# ℹ 3,284 more rows

Tidyr functions

The goal of tidyr is to help you create tidy data. Tidy data is data where:

  1. Every column is variable.

  2. Every row is an observation.

  3. Every cell is a single value.



Datasets are in long on wide format (but never in the currently desired one) 😆

The following example is the one we saw last week to present the apply functions. In excel you probably operated with tables in wide format, but in R we always prefer the long format.

fertility_wide <- fertility_df %>% 
  select(LOCATION, TIME, Value) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = LOCATION, values_from = Value)

# A tibble: 63 × 55
    TIME   AUS   AUT   BEL   CAN   CZE   DNK   FIN   FRA   DEU   GRC   HUN   ISL
   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1  1960  3.45  2.69  2.54  3.9   2.11  2.54  2.71  2.74  2.37  2.23  2.02  4.26
 2  1961  3.55  2.78  2.63  3.84  2.13  2.55  2.65  2.82  2.44  2.13  1.94  3.88
 3  1962  3.43  2.8   2.59  3.76  2.14  2.54  2.66  2.8   2.44  2.16  1.79  3.98
 4  1963  3.34  2.82  2.68  3.67  2.33  2.64  2.66  2.9   2.51  2.14  1.82  3.98
 5  1964  3.15  2.79  2.71  3.5   2.36  2.6   2.58  2.91  2.53  2.24  1.8   3.86
 6  1965  2.97  2.7   2.61  3.15  2.18  2.61  2.46  2.85  2.5   2.25  1.81  3.71
 7  1966  2.89  2.66  2.52  2.81  2.01  2.62  2.4   2.8   2.51  2.32  1.88  3.58
 8  1967  2.85  2.62  2.41  2.6   1.9   2.35  2.32  2.67  2.45  2.45  2.01  3.28
 9  1968  2.89  2.58  2.31  2.45  1.83  2.12  2.15  2.59  2.36  2.42  2.06  3.07
10  1969  2.89  2.49  2.27  2.4   1.86  2     1.94  2.53  2.21  2.36  2.04  2.99
# ℹ 53 more rows
# ℹ 42 more variables: IRL <dbl>, ITA <dbl>, JPN <dbl>, KOR <dbl>, LUX <dbl>,
#   MEX <dbl>, NLD <dbl>, NZL <dbl>, NOR <dbl>, POL <dbl>, PRT <dbl>,
#   SVK <dbl>, ESP <dbl>, SWE <dbl>, CHE <dbl>, TUR <dbl>, GBR <dbl>,
#   USA <dbl>, BRA <dbl>, CHL <dbl>, CHN <dbl>, EST <dbl>, IND <dbl>,
#   IDN <dbl>, ISR <dbl>, RUS <dbl>, SVN <dbl>, ZAF <dbl>, COL <dbl>,
#   LVA <dbl>, LTU <dbl>, ARG <dbl>, BGR <dbl>, HRV <dbl>, CYP <dbl>, …

Yes, pivot_longer is to convert back the table into long format.

fertility_wide %>% 
    cols = - 1, # all except the 1st
    # 2:last_col()
    # AUS, AUT, ... also work
    names_to = "LOCATION",
    values_to = "fertility"
# A tibble: 3,402 × 3
    TIME LOCATION fertility
   <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>
 1  1960 AUS           3.45
 2  1960 AUT           2.69
 3  1960 BEL           2.54
 4  1960 CAN           3.9 
 5  1960 CZE           2.11
 6  1960 DNK           2.54
 7  1960 FIN           2.71
 8  1960 FRA           2.74
 9  1960 DEU           2.37
10  1960 GRC           2.23
# ℹ 3,392 more rows

Mutating joins

Joins are fundamental operations that merge rows from two or more tables based on the common columns (keys). These operations play a crucial role in data manipulation and analysis, especially when dealing with multiple data sources (which is almost always the case).

The difference among the functions is how they handle values from the shared columns that appear in only one of the two tables.

# Create two example data frames
df1 <- data.frame(ID = c(1, 2, 3), Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"))
df2 <- data.frame(ID = c(2, 3, 4), Score = c(90, 85, 88))
inner_join(df1, df2, by = "ID")
  ID    Name Score
1  2     Bob    90
2  3 Charlie    85
left_join(df1, df2, by = "ID")
  ID    Name Score
1  1   Alice    NA
2  2     Bob    90
3  3 Charlie    85
right_join(df1, df2, by = "ID")
  ID    Name Score
1  2     Bob    90
2  3 Charlie    85
3  4    <NA>    88
full_join(df1, df2, by = "ID")
  ID    Name Score
1  1   Alice    NA
2  2     Bob    90
3  3 Charlie    85
4  4    <NA>    88
semi_join(df1, df2, by = "ID")
  ID    Name
1  2     Bob
2  3 Charlie
anti_join(df1, df2, by = "ID")
  ID  Name
1  1 Alice